Voter – News Release

Dear Voter,

As a neighbor, we are facing visible challenges on multiple levels, however, a call of leadership is just as important. With a silver lining, I have decided to run for the Wyoming House of Representatives, the reason for my letter.

At a glance, 18 years ago, a single mom, I was in pursuit of guidance, conquering a fourth year of being Mom with two elementary boys working to hold down my own business of housekeeping had rewards along with the ministry of Worship in Motion, however the future was still unknown. Getting some guidance from a friend, Fern, I took the leap into attending Casper College full time to sharpen my potential.

Entering the Paralegal Program and ambitious enough to hold down four areas of employment, I kept our house above water. While in the program, I developed an interest in writing a column. As a side interest, I discovered sharpening my photography skills, which would lead to a shot in photo journalism with the Chinook at Casper College, The Single Parent Connection. The multi-tasking of being parent, entrepreneur, student, speaker, and overcomer became a chance to tell my story. The grades proved the potential.

Many years before, as a child, the future looked even more bleak. A long history of abuse, abandonment, and later foster care, the wonder of a future was unknown. At the age of 13, I arrived at the revelation, utilize my past as a stepping stone.

There’s an old saying, “The best revenge is a life well lived.” I am taking a huge step, utilizing life experiences for good. Since I have been married to Air Force veteran, Major Mark S. Hicks, he and I are fulfilling our vows of, “making our life a service to love.” We utilized our first year as newlyweds as Mark and I have embraced transitions then went full force.

Holding down a new life, I began engaging in volunteer opportunities with a local business and Child Evangelism Fellowship. I also hosted a girl’s club for young girls K-6th for the last 5 years. In our second year, we got involved with the Converse County Republican Party (CCRP). We attended our 1st precinct meeting in the basement of the local library. Before we knew it, we were 10-10 Precinct people and still are and are up for reelection. Within two years we were part of the Executive Committee as Vice-Chairman and Treasurer. I also served as a Bylaws Committee person and delegate at the Republican State Convention, what an awakening. As a member of the local Party I have experienced three years of fundraising, dinners, picnics, and political events, ranging all the way from the Grassroots to the National level. In 2019, with the help of former Representative Bob Brechtel, we supported education with a Constitution Seminar. This started a new awakening of the fact that we are being challenged more than ever by the RINO’s (Republican In Name Only) and those who do not support conservative values.

After the 2019 term, I was voted in for my second term as Treasurer as well as, the State Committee Woman for CCRP by unanimous vote. I was recently on the State Party Convention Nomination/Elections Committee and voted 2020 Alternate Delegate for the Republican Party National Convention. I have a hope and dream of meeting the Presidential nomination with my husband at my side. Fundraising is needed for that too.

A year ago, after living in Converse County for 6 years, while my husband and I were tearing down the successful 24/4 day Casper National Day of Prayer Bible Reading Marathon, I was approached to run for the House of Representatives. Pondering a year to make the final decision it included prayer and confirmation. The first came with my husband admitting, “If it had not been for Camilla’s relationship with God, I could not support her in this den of vipers.” No disrespect, but I do expect a fierce battle in support of our Constitutional rights. I will work as hard as I know how and leave this in the Lord’s hands.

More about Camilla:

  • Conservative
  • Pro God
  • Pro Life
  • Pro traditional family values
  • Pro Guns
  • Pro Coal
  • Pro Grassroots
  • Pro Transparency
  • Against increasing taxes and for local control
  • Against Government control