The Right to Bear Arms – Guns

According to Article 1 Section 24 of the Constitution of the State of Wyoming it says;

The right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the state shall not be denied.

The Right to Bear Arms
Aug 16, 2019 – The Law Library of Congress United States: Gun Ownership and the Supreme Court … The Court ruled that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution … the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

These are liberating words to the people as long as they are utilized properly. Our nation has rallied together to the idea we need to be protected and defended, however, there are those who want to infringe on the activists who take this seriously.

I want to share with you a small reality of violence, but also what makes owning a gun an honor and what this means to me. I am going to focus more on the advantages of “bearing arms” because I support the practice.

Being a safe and responsible gun owner has really given me the satisfaction of owning a gun. I have benefited in so many ways. However, I want to visit my “city girls” experience with guns. Having grown up in Arizona and lived in California, as wonderful and heartfelt I am with both places, I saw the headlines of terror and violence. It sometimes was due to irresponsible gun owners or theft. The truth is, any item can be used with premeditated purposes, but that is not always the case.

As a gun owner, hunter, when I have the chance, I do all these things with a conscious decision of safety. I practice this because I enjoy the fresh meat on the table and it has health benefits too, but my liberties and freedoms to bear arms carry a greater responsibility for the conditions that require a gun and it may mean protection.

Owning a gun, really has given me the sense of freedom.  My first husband was not into guns and it was not a part of his life. I, however, have always had an interest. I finally purchased one with the intent of hunting. After a terrible experience with a “hog shooter” who stole the only opportunity from my child to experience hunting, that was what my boys called him, I put the gun away and settled back into the idea, it was best if I waited till, they got older. Time came and went and they are adults now, and my oldest and I have a lot in common with the idea of hunting. We go hunting and from time to time shooting. My husband of the last seven years was a 22-year veteran of the Army and Air Force always had a gun given to him, prefers to target shoot but would rather watch when it comes to hunting and of course tell the stories. My daughter is of age now and wants to hunt. She sees the self-satisfaction it brings, how we take enjoyment in the time and build self-esteem all because we practiced the pleasure of utilizing the gun appropriately.

Hunting, which has been passed down from the beginning of man, provides food on the table, some relaxing time of pursuit, family and friend interest, and it directly affects the natural environment predation and population growth of wildlife. In all occasion, it includes preparation. I enjoy the anticipation while strengthening relationships and I do not mind the idea of controlling the animal population that inhabit the land I live in and love. If it gets out of control there could be an increase in land invasion, sickness, or even accidents. When I go out for a hunt, I am always sharing the experience with someone. At least two of my children have developed the interest and we go out with the understanding that safety is key to our experience. We have fostered the rewards with stories, memories (See my pictures) and a challenge to create a mean feast. Antelope is great for chili and spaghetti. Elk is wonderful for roast while deer is great for jerky.

Protection, the right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the state shall not be denied.  I have three children, of the three, two are adults. If anything, or anyone came up to them as a threat, and I was in the line with them, I would do all I could to protect them. This includes an object, or person. I would include my husband and any other person. I have learned the responsible use of a gun and do not want to ever have to go beyond the call of duty to go Sarah O’Connor (Terminator) on the enemy, but if required, I would. We are our “brother’s keeper” and the protection and defense of one another is important. If I had the moment to negotiate, I’d want to peruse that, but if it was life and death, I would have my family’s interest and your back. I love my countryman and this country. I do not believe in the spontaneous or premeditated decision to violate, bring hardship or violence on anyone. My heart’s desire to defend also requires preparation and commitment to my fellow man. I find this in the examples of our founding fathers of both the national level and the present-day patriot of people like you. Civil duty is not just a word but an action and commitment to show others the way we should serve. We do it with conscience decisions and with self-control.

In a nutshell, the right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the state shall not be denied is all I need to justify my service to you and to God.

Camilla Hicks