This has tax dollars written all over it. They have found so many nonessential reasons to raze your tax dollars and our employment rate is at the lowest we’ve seen and causing inflation and infrastructure collapse to our economy. People get to work even if it means fast food, cause you’ll have to pay for this. read more
“People are saying we’re going to give you free college, free cars, free cell phones, free this, free that,” Paul said. “Everything in life will be free, you won’t have to work anymore. The problem is there are ramifications. Money doesn’t grow on trees… money’s got to come from somewhere.”
“Either we borrow it… we tax people for it, or we simply print the money,” he continued. “When the Federal Reserve prints the money, as we increase the money supply, the money we already have becomes worth less and less. It loses its purchasing power. This is the insidious tax of inflation. Inflation is a regressive tax… it affects the working class, lower income people, and those on fixed incomes, much worse.”