Marriage – Call to Action

There are many reasons why the U.S. Senate must reject H.R. 8404/S. 4556. First, and most obviously, marriage is a God-ordained institution, specifically and exclusively between one man and one woman. The (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act denies and attempts to usurp this reality by redefining (or undefining) marriage. (Also, our Republic’s foundational documents — the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights — are based on the premise that rights come from God.)

Additionally, H.R. 8404/S. 4556 — like the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision that legalized homosexual “marriage” nationwide — are unconstitutional. The federal government’s powers are “few and defined,” and nowhere in the Constitution is it authorized to pass such legislation.

H.R. 8404/S. 4556’s requirement that state governments recognize homosexual “marriages” from other states also is blatantly unconstitutional, violating Article I, Section 8, and the 10th Amendment.

H.R. 8404/S. 4556 also threaten religious freedom. Other laws purporting to “protect” or prevent “discrimination” against LGBT individuals have been weaponized against Christians and others who accept the biblical definition of marriage.

Contact your U.S. representative and senators in opposition to H.R. 8404/S. 4556, and also urge them to oppose every other bill that is unconstitutional or is antithetical to our constitutional Republic’s values.

Stop the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act, H.R. 8404 and S. 4556