Letter to Central Committee

Dear Central Committee of Converse County Republican Party,

Again, congratulations on your election as a County Precinct person. Please let me know if I can be of service in any way. I will provide my contact information as a signature of this email and in all mailings I put out. I am sending this out to the most recent email addresses from our last Central Committee Meeting held January 14. I have received and will also make copies,sending them out by USPS, to everyone else, along with the invite to be at the Town Hall this coming Saturday. 

The Process: The State GOP Central Committee often receives Resolutions during the course of a term that are passed on to the County Chairman, State CommitteeMan and State CommitteeWoman, who intern, call for a vote to the county Central committee, Then, it is eventually sent to the Legislature for action. I received this just yesterday, for the record, I support this Resolution. I have been asked to circulate this for approval. You need to know that it does require the approval of the majority of our Central Committee to make it official for our County by the next Central Committee Meeting or if a special meeting is called. I need your response to this email ASAP. 

In the last two years there have been 193 submitted Resolutions to the State Central Committee and I have nearly everyone if you are interested. 

As a Central Committee person you too will be encouraged to write Resolutions with the upcoming Chairman. It is one of the ways your voice is heard and your volunteering becomes a voice of your community. 

One last item, please visit our website for information, minutes, events, donations, and interest in the party. Then, pass it on to your contacts. We need your assistance in getting the word out that the people are why, we are here. 

The best to you all, please feel free to contact me for assistance.

Help me help you!



State CommitteeWoman and Treasurer
Converse County Republican Party
P.O. Box 284
Douglas, WY 82633

Remember that foundational principles are the bases of true conservatism. “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”- George Washington
What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tired, against the new and untried?Abraham Lincoln