Harriet Hageman Speaks out against Laramie High School Student Arrest

Harriet Hageman for U.S. House

Laramie High School Student Arrest Shows Dangerous Government Overreach

The arrest of a teenaged student at Laramie High School is further proof of hysterical government overreach and infringement on people’s individual rights. The student was arrested after she declined to wear a mask and then failed to leave school property<

This follows closely on the heels of an announcement by the U.S. Department of Justice that they will be targeting parents and other citizens who have strenuously objected to public school policies regarding coronavirus restrictions, Critical Race Theory, and other issues.

Harriet Hageman, Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Wyoming, today issued the following statement:

“Every day that passes we see more and more examples of a government run amok, both on the local and federal levels.
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