
I call upon all citizens who value their community to join in supporting our working teachers by advocating that block grant funds go directly to local school districts.

I fully support the concept of quality education for every child. No child should be left behind. An uneducated child is denied the opportunity to be all they can be. I believe that public education is a local responsibility. I’m committed to the preservation of the neighborhood school with local control…see details

I will not support an increase on taxes and this is why. WE need to reduce the tax burden. Our economy cannot handle it. Jobs are at stake, and some people are succumbing to living with their in-laws, parents, and with their own children, because they have lost everything due to company layoffs or cutbacks.

Article 15 on Taxation and Revenue, Constitution of the State of Wyoming, (pg.’s 50-55) reflects a boundary of levy (charge in taxes). They should not go beyond the ability of the tax payer and or the economy. I have never been told, “I can’t wait for an increase in taxes so I can pay more taxes and try to hire new people with the money I do not have.”see details


Right to Bear Arms
Protection, the right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the state shall not be denied. I have three children, of the three, two are adults. If anything, or anyone came up to them as a threat, and I was in the line with them, I would do all I could to protect them. This includes an object, or person. I would include my husband and any other person. I have learned the responsible use of a gun and do not want to ever have to go beyond the call of duty to go Sarah O’Connor (Terminator) on the enemy, but if required, I would. We are our “brother’s keeper” and the protection and defense of one another is important. If I had the moment to negotiate, I’d want to peruse that, but if it was life and death, I would have my family’s interest and your back. see details