The Silver Lining of Social Distancing
by Camilla Hicks May 31, 2020 – Article

(GLEN ROCK, Wy)—In all things, God works it out for our good. The silver lining of social distancing provided me a season to reconsider another way to represent the people.
I really believe there are things we have no idea will come together or how our future may plan out. God compels and we must obey. It has been a long time coming as our every day step may lead down a path that others saw was impossible. I’m thankful I listened to the quiet subtle voice, “It is time.”
So, it is official, I am on the ballot for the House of Representative District 6, Converse County. Whether I win or loose, I am being obedient. This will be another chapter of the book of my life.
Blessings, abundant and overflowing,
Camilla Hicks for District 6