H.R. 6666

WE have seen what the left is all about and know they will stop at nothing to have control of this country and our state. You can see below is another way for their control over us.

“Gov’t (DARPA, Defense Advance Research Project Agency) funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021”

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Implanting microchips in people to track them used to be something that only appeared in futuristic movies.

Unfortunately, the future is now.

These are the kinds of ideas that big government and their so-called “public-private partnership” satellite organizations come up with when they think they’ve scared the public enough to coerce them into paying for such technology with their tax dollars.

Of course, it will only be used to deprive us of our rights.

The technology they’re promoting has such limited appeal, it has to be mandatory to ensure the D.C. lobbyists can even have a slim chance at someone adopting their products.

A watchdog group called MintPress News discovered DARPA’s move to institutionalize these implantable biochips by 2021.

“Once firmly implanted inside the body, human cells are at the mercy of any mRNA program delivered via this substrate, unleashing a nightmare of possibilities. It is, perhaps, the first true step towards full-on transhumanism; a “philosophy” that is in vogue with many powerful and influential people, such as Google’s Ray Kurzweil and Eric Schmidt and whose proponents see the fusion of technology and biology as an inevitable consequence of human progress.”

People like Kurzweil, Schmidt, and their cronies are no doubt behind the scenes pushing for H.R. 6666 — the so-called Testing, Reaching & Contacting Everyone Act, or TRACE Act, to pay for these insidious “biochips.”

Last Modified on August 9, 2022
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