Endorsements 2022


Wyoming Right to Life is pleased to announce its 2022 endorsements for Wyoming House and Senate candidates.  We awarded a whopping 56 endorsements!  This could change as completed Questionnaires are still trickling in, so watch this space.
 A few of notes on the endorsements:
  1.  In several contested races, two or three candidates were endorsed.  The voters of those districts can be assured that no matter which of them prevails, life will be protected – the voters will simply have to decide on issues other than life from conception to natural death.
  2.  We sent our Questionnaire to almost everyone who filed.  As expected, we received very few responses from Democrats.  However, one pro-abortion Democrat who returned the Questionnaire is opposed the euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide – common ground has been found!
  3.  We made every possible attempt to clarify some of the responses when we suspected that a candidate had mis-read or misunderstood a question.
  4.  “No Endorsement” means either a candidate did not respond, or a candidate responded with answers that were not substantially pro-life.  If you live in a District with “No Endorsement,” press your candidates on their support for LIFE from conception to natural death.
  5.  We have no way of knowing if a new-to-us candidate is sincere in his or her responses.  On occasion, we can look back on an incumbent’s voting record to determine consistency.
  6. If you are a pro-life candidate for an office other than State Representative or State Senator, and would like to receive our endorsement, call 307-883-0250 and a Questionnaire will be sent to you.


HD 1:  Chip Neiman
HD 2:  Allen Slagle
HD 3:  Abby Angelos
HD 4:  Jeremy Haroldson
HD 5:  Scott Smith
HD 6:  Tomi Strock
HD 7:  No Endorsement
HD 8:  Steve Johnson
HD 9:  Alan Sheldon
HD 10:  Lars Lone
HD 11:  Jared Olsen
HD 12:  No Endorsement
HD 13:  No Endorsement
HD 14:  No Endorsement
HD 15:  Don Burkhart
HD 16:  No Endorsement
HD 17:  No Endorsement
HD 18:  Scott Heiner
HD 19:  Karl Allred and Andy Stocks
HD 20:  Mike Schmid
HD 21:  Jeremiah Hardesty and Lane Allred
HD 22:  No Endorsement
HD 23:  No Endorsement
HD 24:  Nina Webber
HD 25:  Troy Bray
HD 26:  Gary Welch and Dalton Banks and Tim Beck
HD 27:  No Endorsement
HD 28:  John Winter
HD 29:  Ken Pendergraft
HD 30:  No Endorsement
HD 31:  John Bear
HD 32:  No Endorsement
HD 33:  Sarah Penn
HD 34:  Pepper Ottman
HD 35:  Tony Locke
HD 36:  Art Washut
HD 37:  No Endorsement
HD 38:  No Endorsement
HD 39:  No Endorsement
HD 40:  Richard Tass
HD 41:  No Endorsement
HD 42:  Ben Hornok and Linnaea Sutphin
HD 43:  JoAnn Taylor
HD 44:  John Romero-Martinez and Tamara Trujillo
HD 45:  No Endorsement
HD 46:  Ocean Andrew
HD 47:  No Endorsement
HD 48:  No Endorsement
HD 49:  Vladimir Allred
HD 50:  Rachel Rodriguez-Williams
HD 51:  Cyrus Western
HD 52:  Ronda Boller
HD 53:  No Endorsement
HD 54:  No Endorsement
HD 55:  No Endorsement
HD 56:  No Endorsement
HD 57:  Jeanette Ward
HD 58:  Bill Allemand
HD 59:  John Gudger and Kevin O’Hearn
HD 60:  Jennifer James
HD 61:  Daniel Singh
HD 62:  Stan Mitchem