Election Issues

Ranked Choice Elections is on the Legislators agenda this time around…they are getting desperate! Proposing this change!
  • When more than 2 are on the ballot for a select office then it heightens the chance for abuse.
  • To change our voting rules says the RINO’S are very desperate to have there left agenda put through in a masking intent to change our voting procedures for their benefit and if it is for you the voter to be fooled by this type of Propaganda than what are you really voting for? This is a slippery slope and they will tell you anything to have their way, DON’T LET THEM!
For centuries Voting has always been: One person, one vote is about fairness and representation. Why change? Unless we look at the obvious reasons.
Converse County Conservatives, and all Wyoming Counties Heads up, the joint Corporation, Elections & Political Subdivisions Committee will be meeting today and tomorrow (13 & 14 Oct) we need to pray and call:
  • Senators: Boner, Case, Drisckill, Nethercott, & Scott;
  • Representatives: Blackburn, Burt, Clausen, Duncan, Eyre, LeBeau, MacGuire, Roscoe, Zwonitzer all on the committee.
The livestream is available on Legislature’s website at www.wholeheartedly.gov   Ranked choice voting is often promoted as ensuring fair elections, but in fact, it ensures conservative Republicans will lose.  Alaska found that out when Sarah Palin lost the primary there this year.  Also, federal certification of election equipment is a real joke.  All computers are hackable.

Friday: October 21, 2022 Election Issues .

..Bill drafts:

  • 23LSO-0191 Utah model-Municipal non-partisan ranked choice elections
  • 23LSO-0192 Alaska model
  • 23LSO-0196 Vacancies in elected office
  • 23LSO-0190 Voter reg. list-voter ID and absentee ballots
  • 23LSO-0189 Election equipment- federal certification
  • 23-0271 Specified election records not subject to disclosure
  • 23LSO-0132 political expenditures