Convention of States Exposed!

Misguided state legislators in Wyoming are once again working on a dangerous proposal applying for an Article V Constitutional Convention of States, HJ0002.

UPDATE: 2/16/2022 – This dangerous proposal failed on introduction today, 21-37. You can view the roll call vote here

New evidence has come to light that you must be aware of.
One of the Convention of States’ board members has co-authored a new draft Constitution for our country.
There are multiple critical changes proposed in COS Robert P. George’s (who is also a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations) new draft Constitution, including:
  1. GUTTING the 2nd Amendment, allowing the federal government to essentially destroy the right to private ownership of firearms
  2. ELIMINATING the Electoral College system
  3. INCREASING the power of the Federal Reserve, which already operates in secrecy with little to NO oversight
If HJ0002 passes and a convention is called, the entire U.S. Constitution will be open to revision or worse.
The lobbyists behind HJ0002 expect you to believe a convention is “safe,” will be “limited to specific topics,” and will follow rules that haven’t even been written yet, but in state after state, legislators are not following the rules in place now.
For instance, in Wyoming’s November 2021 Special Session, our very own Wyoming legislature FAILED to uphold their own rules!
The session was strictly limited to address federal Covid mandates and yet, numerous bills that were totally unrelated to Covid were brought before the body!
The proof is right before our eyes! There is no way to control the politicians who are chosen to participate in an Article V Convention of States!
This is exactly the sort of dirty dealing we can expect to happen at an Article V Con Con when all of your rights are up for grabs!
It’s CRITICAL you contact your state representative and DEMAND they vote NO on HJ0002 on EVERY vote.
Click here to find your representative and contact information.
While you are at it, please be sure to text, call, or email the following misled House and Senate sponsors of the bill and insist they withdraw their support and vote against HJ0002.


It defies all logic to believe some of the very politicians who voted to break the rules during Wyoming’s Special Session will then turn around and uphold the “rules” at a convention where all of your rights would be at risk.
You and I both know the federal government has been ignoring the limits placed on it by the Constitution for decades.
But the last two years have made crystal clear just how little your rights and our Constitution mean to governors and state legislators of BOTH parties across the country!
Many governors trashed the Constitution by sentencing citizens to house arrest and shutting down all businesses deemed “non-essential,” and state legislators across the country have barely mustered a whimper in their defense!
These very politicians from states across America are jockeying to be delegates to an Article V Convention, tasked with “fixing” the Constitution they themselves turned their backs on and refused to defend.
It’s CRITICAL you take action to stop them!
Please contact your state representative and DEMAND they vote NO on HJ0002.

Click here to find your representative and contact information.

Some Wyoming legislators insist revising the U.S. Constitution will finally bring the federal government to heel.
But when politicians routinely ignore the rule of law with impunity, rewriting the Constitution isn’t going to change that!
And the group behind this measure insists a convention can be limited to certain types or categories of changes.
But most scholars agree that the scope of a convention cannot be limited.
What’s more, Article V of the Constitution only allows states to apply to Congress for a convention — it doesn’t empower the states to have ANY control over the convention itself.
Now more than ever, we must put a stop to this dangerous threat of an Article V Convention of States.
Rather, let us demand our elected officials adhere to the Constitution we already have in place.

According to America’s history of conventions, the delegates chosen could wield unlimited power to propose revisions to our Constitution.

If an Article V Convention of States were called, it would likely be impossible to stop devastating changes from being made.

During Wyoming’s Special Session last November 2021, our very own Wyoming legislature FAILED to uphold their own rules!

The session was strictly limited to address federal Covid mandates and yet, numerous bills that were totally unrelated to Covid were brought before the body!

—Wyoming Campainge for Liberty