Election Issues

Ranked Choice Elections is on the Legislators agenda this time around…they are getting desperate! Proposing this change! When more than 2 are on the ballot for a select office then it heightens the chance for abuse. To change our voting rules says the RINO’S are very desperate to have...

Endorsements 2022

2022 STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ENDORSEMENTS Wyoming Right to Life is pleased to announce its 2022 endorsements for Wyoming House and Senate candidates.  We awarded a whopping 56 endorsements!  This could change as completed Questionnaires are still trickling in, so watch this space.  A few of notes on the...

Converse County Redistricting

Redistricting sure to alter boundaries for Converse County representatives, senators Redistricting – the complicated, mandatory process of redrawing boundaries for Wyoming’s legislators – is hitting home this week as the first public steps show just how likely the Converse County lines will be shifting in the coming election…read more

Voting Integrity of our Elections?

Dominion voting systems…who are they?…where do they come from? and how secure are they?  CEO Mike Lindell challenges #Dominion executives and lawyers to watch his explosive media BANNED documentary. link to video OAN (One America News Network) is the only network that would air the documentary.    

Info on Legislators Voting Records and District Map

Hello all, I was asked about the location for more info on legislators voting records. Go to wyoleg.org check out the sight and scroll down to the bottom. Look under Legislators and Legislation scroll through and look at the topics “Find my Legislator”.https://wyoleg.gov/docs/SenateDistrictMap.pdf or the https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislators/2020/H and then go...