
Greetings friends, family and acquaintances, my name is Camilla Fayette Hicks, I am a conservative republican who ran for State House Representative, District 6 in Converse County. I have lived in Wyoming for 26 years. Previously, I spent much of my life a resident of Arizona, until I was introduced to the wide-open skies of Wyoming. I now live with my husband Rolling Hills.

I have been an active volunteer in Glenrock working with local children, with Child Evangelism Fellowship and a Girls Club that nurtured the leadership qualities and character of young girls K-6th. It emphasized service to others with outreach to the poor, homeless, veterans, and their home life. It instilled confidence in relationship to godly character in what they say, think, and do. Girls Club ended due to the unknowns of classroom availability, and then the Covid -19 social distancing, but it didn’t end my interest to continue working with our young girls.

My Christian beginnings started as a foster child at 13. Preserving quality, I utilize the search of scripture from the Bible, and the examples of women who have influenced my life. Implementing values of good decisions saturated in a Christian life keeps me both in prayer and conviction. I am a wife of my favorite man and best companion in the adventure of service, Major Mark Hicks, Retired. Together we vowed our service to God’s plan and our commitment to family and support to a lifetime of outreach.

I am the Precinct Committee Woman of 10-10, the Treasurer and the State Committee Woman. Each position requires a heart after people, and the value of Grassroots involvement. I have had this continued interest for many years and hope to keep connected with my District, which includes being the Precinct Woman for 10-10. My podium is built on, “Help me help you and let’s take ownership by getting involved.”

As a mother of three children on earth and two in Heaven, I have learned that life is fragile, and that they are a gift from God. I have a super interest in my children, as they are developing their life song. Believing in this call and in Free Enterprise, I am a Corporate Owner of Eagles Nest Fencing, LLC and I am not far from the barbwire, as I work beside my son on both the range and in the office. I am typically home with my daughter, and engaged in her everyday activity, including clubs, schooling at home K-5th, church activities, outreaches, and civic duties in the political arena. The interest of rearing her in the values of virtue and proper attention to godly values keep me reminded that she is my legacy and I am called to that position. She recently made a poster asking for your, “Vote for my Mom”.

I have lived most of my life either in a single parent home or as a single parent. I grew up working very young, 7years old, cleaning my Mom’s friend’s homes to help her with bills and caring for four younger siblings. I know the quality of “A life well lived” and the value of those who invest. This is my chance to give back. Your vote for me will continue the flow of leadership example, interest, determination, transparency, prudence, respect, conviction, and more. In a few words as I take personal commitment in the 2018 Platform of the Republican Party.

I believe there are Timeless Truths that will always inform and direct our party and our country regardless of current events and circumstances, changing strategies, goals, and leadership. These Truths, put into action. maintain, protect, and defend our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
  1. The only purpose of government is to protect an individuals Life, Liberty, and Property.
  2. All citizens are equal before the law.
  3. Individuals must never be prevented from defending their own Life, Liberty and Property.
  4. An individual’s property rights are paramount in a free society.
  5. Freedom of religion must never be infringed.
  6. I believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all.
  7. Free market economy is the economic assistance most compatible with personal freedom, independence, and constitutional government.
  8. The citizens of the United States are the ultimate authority. We put leaders in leadership and expect transparency.
  9. Our Constitutional representative republic is the best political system to prohibit tyranny and protect our individual rights.
  10. The most effective responsible and responsive government is government that is closest to the people. Government that govern least governs best.
  11. Those who serve our country honorably deserve our deepest gratitude, highest respect, and unwavering support.
  12. Taxes should never be more than necessary.
  13. Government should live within their means.
  14. I believe that taking ownership of our decisions include care and concern for your fellow man/woman.
  15. I believe the lives of our founding fathers of the Constitution commitment to the greatest framework is best summed up in George Washington’s, “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”

I was approached by people with the concern that our conservative values were not being represented, and now I am taking the step to represent the people.