Campaign for Liberty – Rating

Statement of Principles Americans inherit from our ancestors a glorious tradition of freedom and resistance to oppression.  Our country has long been admired by the rest of the world for her great example of liberty and prosperity—a light shining in the darkness of tyranny. But many Americans today are frustrated. The political choices they are […]


CAMILLA HICKS STANDS IN SUPPORT OF OUR WORKING TEACHERS AND FULLY SUPPORTS THEIR EFFORTS TO GET MORE FUNDING IN THE CLASSROOM. 1.  I call upon all citizens who value their community to join in supporting our working teachers by advocating that block grant funds go directly to local school districts. 2.  I fully support the […]

Wyoming Right to Life – Endorsement

Dear Camilla, Wyoming Right to Life is pleased to endorse your candidacy for Wyoming House District 6. Please use this unqualified endorsement in your campaign as you see fit. We know that most Wyoming voters support life from conception to natural death, and we encourage you to reach out and speak up to your voters […]

Voter – News Release

Dear Voter, As a neighbor, we are facing visible challenges on multiple levels, however, a call of leadership is just as important. With a silver lining, I have decided to run for the Wyoming House of Representatives, the reason for my letter. At a glance, 18 years ago, a single mom, I was in pursuit […]

Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness

The only purpose of government is to protect an individuals Life, Liberty, and Property. All citizens are equal before the law. Individuals must never be prevented from defending their own Life, Liberty and Property. An individual’s property rights are paramount in a free society. Freedom of religion must never be infringed. I believe in equal […]

Bob and Cathy Ide – Endorsement

One of the keys to good government is having a strong foundation of the principles our founders implemented when establishing our amazing country. Our dear friend and patriot, Camilla Hicks, has a clear understanding and commitment to our representative constitutional form of government. Over the years, Camilla has worked tirelessly to implement and support true […]

Fern Williams – Endorsement

Camilla Hicks has been my loyal friend for 40 years. She has proven herself to be honest at all times, sincere in all endeavors, and compassionate to all others. Camilla is a unique leader and is striving towards making this a better world for all. She is creative and dedicated in fulfilling this mission. Camilla […]

Sherrie Lewis – Endorsement

These past 25 years have flown by as I have watched Camilla prepare to be the Representative for House District 6 in the Wyoming State Legislature.  Her life has established her as a pioneer woman in Wyoming.  She has proven that hard work, keen eyesight, and belief in the future are characteristics necessary to be […]

Inter Mountain Christian News – Publication

The Silver Lining of Social Distancing by Camilla Hicks May 31, 2020 – Article (GLEN ROCK, Wy)—In all things, God works it out for our good. The silver lining of social distancing provided me a season to reconsider another way to represent the people. I really believe there are things we have no idea will […]