H.R. 6666

WE have seen what the left is all about and know they will stop at nothing to have control of this country and our state. You can see below is another way for their control over us. “Gov’t (DARPA, Defense Advance Research Project Agency) funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021” […]

Initiative Petition

INITIATIVE PETITION: RESTRICTING POLITICAL PARTY CHANGES FOR PRIMARY ELECTIONS. We are looking for signatures to submit to the Sec. of State and we would like to add to the ballot this election. If we do not we’ll have another year for the next coming election. I need 700 signatures from Converse County and individuals can […]

The Right to Bear Arms – Guns

According to Article 1 Section 24 of the Constitution of the State of Wyoming it says; The right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the state shall not be denied. Aug 16, 2019 – The Law Library of Congress United States: Gun Ownership and the Supreme Court … The Court […]

Info on Legislators Voting Records and District Map

Hello all, I was asked about the location for more info on legislators voting records. Go to wyoleg.org check out the sight and scroll down to the bottom. Look under Legislators and Legislation scroll through and look at the topics “Find my Legislator”.https://wyoleg.gov/docs/SenateDistrictMap.pdf or the https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislators/2020/H and then go to Special Session https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2020?specialSessionValue=1 These addresses […]

Becky Duffy – Endorsement

Camilla and I go back 20 years to when her boys were infants and toddlers and we attended Sonlight Ministries in Casper.  We raised our children as single moms and neighbors. Camilla believed in obedience from her children and taught them Godly principles, along with always being active in her church.  She supports the Right to […]


  I will not support an increase on taxes and this is why. WE need to reduce the tax burden. Our economy cannot handle it. Jobs are at stake, and some people are succumbing to living with their in-laws, parents, and with their own children, because they have lost everything due to company layoffs or […]

Douglas Budget – My Response

Reply to: Douglas Budget for Camilla Hicks for HD-6               7/16/2020 Hello Mrs. Hicks, It’s Chase Vialpando with the Douglas Budget again. I apologize, I sent you the wrong set of questions. Here are the updated one specifically for your race. I’d still appreciate a headshot and a brief background on yourself including schooling, experience, family, […]