
Thank you so much for your contribution to my Primary Candidacy for House Representative District 6

Dear Voter, Donor, Friend, and Family,

Thank you so much for your support toward my campaign as a first-time candidate for STATE REPRESENTATIVE HOUSE DISTRICT 06 for the Wyoming Primary Election- August 18,2020. The race is still won as long as we are still in the fight for Conservative values. If you did not get the final votes, I want to do a quick recap, because it’s part of the education and the experience.

The final votes on the Unofficial Precinct-by-Precinct Summary from the Converse County Clerk Wyoming Primary Election- August 18,2020 for House District 6 shows

Camilla Hicks 948 and my opponent Aaron Clausen with 1,542 and there were

112 under-votes (people who didn’t vote either way)

Thank you again. We could not have performed as well as we did without your support. And, WE ARE NOT FINISHED.